Hello all! Its been quite a while, hasn't it?
I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that the next chapter of Samurai Usagi will be on its way...soonish. The whole team has been extremely busy in the past few months with work, school and everything in between. Even I've been having trouble finding time for myself, when I usually have such a plentiful supply of it. I've finished my final classes and am currently undergoing an internship at Stone Canoe, an animation company located in Toronto, Canada. The work is fun, but my days are long. It takes an hour to get to the city by train, so during the ride I've been cleaning pages and doing what translations I can without any dictionaries on hand (and no internetz). I'm hoping to have a chapter ready for release by the end of next week!
Until then, just sit tight!
P.S- I'm going to be cosplaying as Shino at Canada's Anime North convention next month! Are there any other SU cosplayers out there?