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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 35 + vol 4 extras

Heya everybody, hope your having some awesome winter holidays! I have here for you the extras from volume four of Samurai Usagi, as well as chapter thirty-five! Hope you enjoy!!

Vol 4 extras.
Chapter 35.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 34

Waaah! Sorry for not getting this chapter up earlier today, guys! I was out and about all day and passed out on the couch right when I got home lol. Anyhoo, here's chapter thirty-four of Samurai Usagi!

Download link.

Once you're done reading and have some time, I'd love to hear your opinions!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 33

Chapter thirty-three of Samurai Usagi already!? Where oh where did my self-control go...? I guess it's because I just love this part of the story so much, I can't resist bringing out new chapters as fast as humanly possible!

Download link.

This is the end of the 'A Day Alone Together' arc, so I hope every enjoys this chapter as much as I enjoyed working on it!! XD

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 32

Because I'm too darn impatient, I'm releasing chapter thirty-two of Samurai Usagi a little bit early!!

Download link.

Hope everyone enjoys!

Friday, 7 December 2012

Shino cosplay

Oh mai gawd guys, guess who finally got their cosplay pictures off the camera!! We lost the wire for the camera, you see, and the memory card doesn't fit with the slot in my laptop and...uh, well, anyways! Take a look at my Shino cosplay!

These pictures were actually taken AFTER the convention, which explains why the setting is my kitchen, and my co-stars are a cat and a cooler (the cat's name is Pebble btw). I got home wearing normal clothes, but my mom hadn't got to see me in costume and made me put it back on to take pictures, so my outfit wasn't put together as neatly as it could have been. I'd used spray-in color to dye my hair green for the occasion and at the con it was quite springy, but by the time I got home it'd all drooped down to its natural height D=

Next May I plan on dying my hair properly, so I can actually wash it and redo my hair as needed to maintain optimal springiness!

You can see my obviously homemade geta as well...I did my best to find a real-life match for the ones Shino wears, but I figure Fukushima-sensei must have made them pretty stylized because nothing seemed quite the same. I reeeally wanted to make the green lacquered pair she usually wears with this outfit, but I was already pushing my luck getting dad to help me make them (I'm too scared of the saw to cut the wood myself DX) so I settled for pain wooden ones with green straps instead. One day I'll make a better pair! I'd love to make cosplay outfits for all the kimono Shino wears, actually- the one she has on in the current 'A Day Alone Together' arc is my favorite, but it'd be hard finding the right material to cut for the gradient coloring. I'll settle for this one until I have more time/money/resources.

Those of you who're going to Anime North 2013 in Toronto, I hope you'll consider doing a Samurai Usagi cosplay as well!! Then we can all meet up and take pictures together XD

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Samurai Usag chapter 31

Here it is fellow fans! Chapter thirty-one of Samurai Usagi!! I'm glad I was able to get back onto a weekly release scheduled, although it's shifted to Sundays. Either way, please enjoy the new release!

Download link.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 30

Uwaaaah!!! I'm super sorry for the wait everyone! Work suddenly got crazy busy and I hardly had any time to myself for a while...I don't even want to mention how many all-nighters I had to do...the project I was working on is finished now save for a few final approvals, so I can finally breath for a little while! It took me a couple of days to regain my energy, but I'm back to 100% and have chapter thirty of Samurai Usagi all done!

Download link.

This was such a cute chapter...but we're not finished with this arc yet!!! XD

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 29

It's here, it's here, it's here!!! Chapter twenty-nine of Samurai Usagi!! It's the start of one of my favorite arcs, I'm so happy that we've finally reached it!! I won't waste any more time- go ahead and start reading!

Download link.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 28

Hi everyone! I was so busy with work yesterday that I ended up doing an all-nighter and even forgot to upload chapter twenty-eight of Samurai Usagi! It's a day later than I originally planned, but please enjoy it anyways!!

Download link.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 27

URYAAAAA!!! That's the scream I do in my head when I'm working on chapters really fast, haha. So wow, here's chapter twenty-seven of Samurai Usagi after only one week!! My production manager is having difficulties with our client, so I haven't gotten any work to do yet and have too much free time on my hands!!

I had a lot of fun translating this chapter, so I hope everyone enjoys~

Download link

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 26

Hurray! It's chapter twenty-six of Samurai Usagi everybody! See, didn't I tell you it'd be up with week XP

download link

My other translator Rilen also got back to me recently, thank goodness! Because their still pretty busy and would be slow with translating for the time being I've assigned him to work on vol 5 as I do vol 4, which should give him plenty of time to cover some ground while chapters continue to be released ^^

I'll probably have more work to do for the rest of the month, but I'll try to get chapter 27 done as soon as possible!!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Vol03 omake + extras

Its been a long while, but here it finally is! The omake from volume three of Samurai Usagi, along with several fun extras!

Now about why this took so long- I can explain! Firstly, almost all of my team members have gone MIA! I can only imagine how terribly busy they must be D=

After much internal debate I decided to carry on by myself, if only for the time being. Now comes the second portion of my explanation! Name translations!!

You see, the majority of this manga has furigana included for those who can't really read kanji yet (that's me). However, there are a few things they don't have furigana for- the first are commonplace things such as the months of the year and the time of day, which are easy enough to figure out, but the other thing they don't give furigana for...! The other thing, oh gawd!! It's the names of the fans who send in letters and art! I had to translate them all by my kanji-illierate self! By the end of my trials I managed to find some good sources for this so now I'm not as intimidated by the extras that await me in upcoming volumes, but it was hell getting here.

But thank goodness that's out of the way! It's too bad my team members haven't gotten back to me lately, but I hope to hear from them eventually. Until then I'll be churning out chapters whenever I can (I got a job last month by the way! Hurray!) so you can look forward to seeing a new chapter very soon! Like, in the next few days kind of soon!

Anyways, here's the download link

Enjoy theses cute extras and hold onto your hats for chapter 26, coming soon to an internet near you!!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 25

Here is it folks, the much anticipated and long overdue chapter twenty-five of Samurai Usagi!!!

So there isn't much I can say in regards to the lateness of this chapter that you haven't heard already...things like 'I've been busy job searching' and 'our typesetter has been busy job searching', 'I fail at staying on-schedule when it comes to personal projects' and 'why is it that summer is the busiest time of year when people should logically have more time in a day to do things?'

Well, that last one wasn't so much of an explanation as it was a question, but...I think I've made my point. But I'm going to try harder next time! I'll... I'll PUT MY FOOT DOWN and make sure everyone including myself does their work at a reasonable speed!! .....that's what I will try to do.

So here's the download link!

I gotta tell ya, while I was reading through this chapter I found myself thinking, damn it, these samurai are all bastards!! It seemed like a fresh revelation at the time, but after a while I realized that this was something that had been established at the very beginning of this manga. I was then amazed at how Teppei has managed to reiterate this notion over and over again without it ever getting dull, because he tells it from the viewpoint of a vast number of characters, each with their own personal outlook on the situation. It provides us readers with a large variety of opinions and ultimately makes for a very interesting story overall despite the simple base of 'a young samurai works hard to make his wife happy'.

And I think that's why I love this manga so much. So simple, but jam-packed with the emotions of all these characters and its a wonder if you don't get teary-eyed at the end of each arc- or each chapter! I know I do. Anyone who knows me knows how I love stories with a good emotional punch to them! So let's go everyone, on to volume four of Samurai Usagi! we're reaching the half-way point!! (but first, the chapter extras and vol. 3 omake...)

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Update x 3

So I knooooow there wasn't an update last week, but I honestly didn't have anything to report, plus I'm running out of good SU fanart to add here...SO I decided to wait a week and see what came about! Luckily I do have something to say this time, but UNluckily the thing I have to say is that Rilen was unable to get chapter twenty-five translated this week, but assures me that he'll do his best to get it done by the end of NEXT week. Having a job sucks, doesn't it? Meanwhile, I've been busy looking for a job myself! Oh the irony.

Ah, I just realized I used a lot of uppercase font up there...oh well. So hopefully Rilen isn't too bogged down with work and manages to get the translated script for chapter twenty-five to our typesetter Sayo by then. Now that I have little more to do than sit around and wait for e-mail replies from various companies (T.T!!!) I will also have more time to do some translating myself. I have yet to hear back from my cleaners in regards to their progress on chapters 26-27, but I'm sure they'll be along in decent time as well.

And that's about it! Sorry about the long wait everyone, please continue to be patient as new chapters are coming ^^

Monday, 21 May 2012

Another update!

Holy macaroni guys! I completely forgot to do yesterday's update post! I was just so buuuussssyyyy, what with my sister's birthday celebration/updating my portfolio and all! I did manage to polish up my resume today... buuut that's not what you came here to read about!!

So good news everyone! Our other translator Rilen got back to me on Friday and let me know that he would start working on the translation for chapter 25 of Samurai Usagi Saturday/Sunday (so yesterday and the day before that...), and would do what he could during the week as well! That means you can probably expect a new chapter fairly soon. Me and our typesetter will be laughing it up at the Anime North convention this weekend though, so don't be expecting anything quite that soon. I'm hoping for a release sometime next week!

Sunday, 13 May 2012


And then it was decided that I would update this blog every Sunday, whether there was a new chapter to be posted or not! I will be giving updates on the status of upcoming releases and the staff members to let everyone know how things are going and may be in the future.

So its been a week since our latest release, give or take a few hours! Since then I've heard back from my two cleaners, who are just about finished their final exams and have/will be starting the cleaning of chapters 26/27. The pages for chapter 25 were already cleaned some time ago, but I have yet to hear back from Rilen who was assigned to translating it. Rilen is the only one on our five-person team who has a full-time job and also happens to live in Malaysia, so a busy schedule combined with the time difference between us sometimes gets in the way of speedy communication. Our typesetter Sayo recently had to get her computer repaired, which is why I was responsible for the typesetting of chapter 24! Its working A-OK now from what I hear, so once she has the translation for chapter 25 she should have no problems putting that together with the clean pages. Like me, Sayo has just completed an internship and will be graduating from the same animation course as myself! That means she`ll also be busy with trying to find a job, but I`m sure she`ll have time to spare for a little Samurai Usagi!

As for me, I've finished the first stage of translating chapter 26 (the first chapter in vol 4!!), which means I have about 2/3 to go! Once I hear back from Rilen we'll decide on who's doing 27 and onwards, but it usually goes him-me-him-me until one of us is has to take over for longer because the other is busy. We'll just have to see, anyways! Until then I'll keep up with translating chapter 26. I'm going to be a bit busy this week though- gotta write my internship report, update my demo reel and resume, start applying to places for work and finish making my Shino cosplay outfit on top of that! But we have to get chapter 25 done first, so I don't think my personal matters will be a problem just yet.

And that's the first of what I assume to be many weekly SU scanlation updates to come! Please look forward to our upcoming releases and thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 24

Here it is loving fans, chapter twenty-four of Samurai Usagi! I've already made you wait, so don't let me keep you any longer! Go ahead and enjoy!!

Download link.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Chapter 24 is on its way!

Hello all! Its been quite a while, hasn't it?

I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that the next chapter of Samurai Usagi will be on its way...soonish. The whole team has been extremely busy in the past few months with work, school and everything in between. Even I've been having trouble finding time for myself, when I usually have such a plentiful supply of it. I've finished my final classes and am currently undergoing an internship at Stone Canoe, an animation company located in Toronto, Canada. The work is fun, but my days are long. It takes an hour to get to the city by train, so during the ride I've been cleaning pages and doing what translations I can without any dictionaries on hand (and no internetz). I'm hoping to have a chapter ready for release by the end of next week!

Until then, just sit tight!

P.S- I'm going to be cosplaying as Shino at Canada's Anime North convention next month! Are there any other SU cosplayers out there?

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 23

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!! Here's chapter twenty-three of Samurai Usagi! I have some special news to accompany our release this time around, so please read on!

First off, I'd like everyone to give a warm welcome to the newest edition to the SU Scanlation team, Sayo! Sayo will be working as our typesetter from now on, and this chapter was her first job ever! With this, we now have five official members! Now we're a real team! Because everyone knows you're not a real team unless there's at least five of you XD

My second topic for today is a little more serious...and that is...manga reading sites! Scanlation groups who try to keep their releases restricted to their website of choice...and official English publishers, who've really been cracking down on illegal activity as of late. As some may or may not know, there are many manga reading sites such as Manga Fox and Manga Here that choose to ignore the requests of certain scanlation groups when they ask for their chapters to not be uploaded to reader sites. This is not only rude and disrespectful to the scanlation teams that put so much hard work into distributing this manga, but also an endangerment to their entire operation. The reason why these scanlation groups ask for their chapters to not be released in certain places is to draw attention away from them. If there's too much buzz going on with a certain manga, official publication companies will take notice, and this could get these scanlation teams in serious trouble! But a lot of manga reading sites just don't give a damn, and upload the chapters anyways :(

Now, now, don't worry! Because Samurai Usagi has a fairly small fanbase (which I am pained to admit T.T!!) and currently no official English releases to speak of, we are in no danger of being sought out and punished. All I ask is that people make an effort to respect the wishes of the scanlation groups who are under close watch. If they ask for their chapters to not be uploaded at certain locations, please do not upload them! Even if they have been uploaded to a manga reading site you visit, try downloaing the chapter from them directly instead of increasing traffic! Official publishers can and do take notice of manga that are viewed frequently and receive high rankings, so by simply going to the websites of these scanlation teams instead of reading their releases online, it takes quite a bit of heat off them.

That is all! And now without any further delay, here is the download link.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 22

Yaaay, its chapter twenty-two of Samurai Usagi! And we weren't sluggish about it this time! This chapter was a personal favorite of mine (Noc) to translate, so I hope everyone enjoys it very much ^^

Download link.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Samurai Usagi chapter 21

After a long long wait, we bring you chapter twenty-one of Samurai Usagi. I'm very sorry for this late release- our team ran into some unexpected troubles over the holidays, but we're back in gear now for the most part. So enjoy!

Download link.