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Friday, 22 February 2013

Samurai Usagi chapter 42

URYAAA!!!! It's chapter forty-two of Samurai Usagi!!

Download link.

I was so excited to do this chapter that I had to release it right away! You'll understand why after reading it XP


  1. Well well, this should be interesting...

  2. Thanks for the chapter

  3. thanks for the chapter, the story seems to be picking up.

    1. You're welcome! Yep, there's a lot of action coming up ^^

  4. dude you still alive? there has been no activity here for a while so i'm starting to worry...

    1. It hasn't even been a month yet, calm down!! XP

      I'm sorry about the long wait! I've been busy with some potential job stuffs IRL, and also offered to help the Sora Scans team as a translator for the Blood Lad manga, so I've been putting some time into that as well. This all kind of happened at the same time, so I've been having trouble getting things back into order >.<...and no matter how much I love working on manga, even I can feel burnt out sometimes!

      In any case, I'll do my best to have chapter 43 out soon ^^
